Save Me | Teen Ink

Save Me

January 5, 2012
By BexLuvsyou BRONZE, Alexandria, Virginia
BexLuvsyou BRONZE, Alexandria, Virginia
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Depression is not a sign of weakness, it is a sign that we have been strong for too long."

.I'm dying. My heart is crumbling.
My mind is screaming, my eyes are closing.
My breathing is slowing.
My limbs are numbing.
Yet at the same time burning,
Inflamed with hate, sadness, confusion.
I'm losing my grip.
I'm falling, you are the only one.
The only one who can save me.
I couldn't, I was too scared.
My throat is closing.
I'm struggling to live.
I'm in pain, excruciating pain.
Tears gather in my eyes,
I can't hold them back.
They spill down my cheeks.
I try to open my mouth and scream,
But I can't.
I blink, everything’s going away.
You’re disappearing,
Everyone i ever cared about,
Is disappearing.
My heart is crumbling,
I'm dying.
Save me.
I don't want it to be over.

The author's comments:
I lost a very close friend. Never lose hope there is always someone who can help you!

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