Someone in my family died | Teen Ink

Someone in my family died

October 12, 2011
By Skinniminnie SILVER, Roanoke, Indiana
Skinniminnie SILVER, Roanoke, Indiana
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
we read to know were not alone

Someone in my family died,
I didn't really know her,
Bur something inside me said,
It will be alright,

Not because she died,
But to know where she is goin
And to know I will see her again someday,

Way up in the sky,
Beyond the clouds,
Where nobody can see
That little old lady,
Staring down at me,

I know shes in a better place,
And Now she can watch us :)

The author's comments:
Poem I wrote

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