Believe | Teen Ink


November 13, 2011
By Poppunkevil BRONZE, Dayton, Ohio
Poppunkevil BRONZE, Dayton, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;It&#039;s not how many times you get knocked down, it&#039;s how many times you get back up&quot;<br /> &quot;Believe in yourself&quot;

I can't fight.

I can't speak.

I am weak.

But deep within I am brave.

I am strong,

The fire is high and bright.

No one can touch it.

No one can take it.

It's mine.

The courage that's inside.

It's alive and wants to be shown.

So now that I've become strong and can fight.

I shall spread my wings.

I'll go high into the sky.

Not one person will pull me down.

I'm strong and letting go is never easy.

However when it comes to something you've always wanted, you'll find it quite easy.

The author's comments:
I found this piece to be about me and my future, also I hope it shows other people and kids that you shouldn't be afraid to fly with your dreams and never be scared to put yourself out there for it.

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