Shooting Star | Teen Ink

Shooting Star

October 29, 2011
By Margan Sultan BRONZE, Alameda, California
Margan Sultan BRONZE, Alameda, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When my eyes,
Are pulled into that sudden streak,
Into a shooting star--
I make s wish;
Yearning for miracles,
Wondering if they can ever be?

The world around me,
Is filled with the brimming;
With the-

I feel that some people in the world,
Have abandoned their thoughts,
Away-from the need.

I want the melancholy.
That exists for others.

I gaze up,
At the starry night sky,
And having ambition, towards-
Our World's future.

I want to shine as bright as the stars,
Upon the suffering poor,
Having hope,
That soon the darkness,
Would finally...
Fade Away.

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