Praying for you | Teen Ink

Praying for you

September 10, 2011
By MariahTaylor GOLD, Mena, Arkansas
MariahTaylor GOLD, Mena, Arkansas
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you love something, Let it go... If it comes back then it was yours... If it does not...Then it never truly was.

Holding Back Tears..
I Know What I Will Do..
Seeing You In Pain,
I'm Praying For You...
Night and Day..
In The Hospital You Lay...
Day and Night..
In the Hospital You Fight...
Not Able to Speak...
Cant Open your eyes,
your to weak...
Keep on fighting,
I know your strong.
You Can Make It..

Cry if you want to...
Cause I`m crying to.
But all I know, That I can do...
I`ll be praying for you.

The author's comments:
A 17 year old friend of mine..(she`s like a sister) fell off a truck.. She broke her ribs and cracked her skull..Shes in the ICU and she can barely open her eyes. She cant talk either. My boyfriend texted me and sent me a picture of her and it put me in tears. I just couldn't believe what was was seeing. So i thought i`d wright a poem for her while she`s in the hospital.

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