Forgotten Domain | Teen Ink

Forgotten Domain

July 29, 2011
By emilybwrites SILVER, Villa Hills, Kentucky
emilybwrites SILVER, Villa Hills, Kentucky
5 articles 0 photos 112 comments

Favorite Quote:
last night i lay in bed, looking up at the stars and i thought to myself, where the heck is the ceiling?

I walk alone.
Everyone has gone
and left me.
When will my time also come?

I pass my old home,
remember the cracked leather
of the sofa
and the way my cockier spaniel
used to curl up at my feet.

the colors I cannot
take my eyes away from
for they are painful reminders
of my previous life

I walk past the plowed fields
the empty corn stands shivering
and the ghost flowers not rule
the forgotten domain

I stand here
feel the turning earth
below me,
I realize
my time has come.

I was alone.
I walked alone.
while I raise my wings
and take off into the night,
I silently say goodbye.

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This article has 36 comments.

on Feb. 8 2012 at 7:10 pm
Marieweibel BRONZE, State College, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 6 comments
This is a very well written poem :)

on Dec. 31 2011 at 11:53 am
fictitious-quandary GOLD, Orlando, Florida
18 articles 5 photos 83 comments

Favorite Quote:
Knowing is not enough; we must apply.
Willing is not enough; we must do.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

"Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right"
- Henry Ford

I love this poem. Great job. If you could be so kind to check out my work it would be much appreciated.

on Dec. 3 2011 at 7:54 pm
emilybwrites SILVER, Villa Hills, Kentucky
5 articles 0 photos 112 comments

Favorite Quote:
last night i lay in bed, looking up at the stars and i thought to myself, where the heck is the ceiling?

thank u so much!!! i will get right on that:)

on Dec. 3 2011 at 12:43 pm
youngspeare BRONZE, Nairobi, Other
1 article 0 photos 273 comments

Favorite Quote:
We wouldn't ask a rose that grew from the concrete for having damaged petals; in turn we'd all celebrate its tenacity, we'd all love tz will to reach the sun well we are the roses n these are my damaged petals don't ask me why thank God and ask me how

loving it! your choice of words is great. 

please check out my poem "Ghost Of The Past" i would love your feedback. 

on Nov. 19 2011 at 10:15 am
AmayaSakaruta, Borger, Texas
0 articles 0 photos 35 comments

Favorite Quote:
From out of the night that covers me, black as the pit from pole to pole, i thank whatever gods may be, for my unconquerable soul. -William Earnest Henley
Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil. -the Bible

this is really petic, i like how it flows. :D please give me some feedback on some of my work?

on Nov. 14 2011 at 7:18 pm
emilybwrites SILVER, Villa Hills, Kentucky
5 articles 0 photos 112 comments

Favorite Quote:
last night i lay in bed, looking up at the stars and i thought to myself, where the heck is the ceiling?

thank you so much that means a ton to me:)

on Nov. 14 2011 at 7:18 pm
emilybwrites SILVER, Villa Hills, Kentucky
5 articles 0 photos 112 comments

Favorite Quote:
last night i lay in bed, looking up at the stars and i thought to myself, where the heck is the ceiling?

sure thing! thanks:)

Lexie96 GOLD said...
on Nov. 4 2011 at 6:05 am
Lexie96 GOLD, Havana, Illinois
11 articles 0 photos 378 comments

Favorite Quote:
Now Cinderella don't you go to sleep, it's such a bitter form of refuge, oh don't you know the kingdom's under siege, and everbody needs you. - The Killers

I love this and I also feel like it's very relatable! Great job and keep writing!

Think you could check out my stuff sometime?

on Oct. 29 2011 at 11:04 pm
stillheartless PLATINUM, Eugene, Oregon
40 articles 0 photos 21 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I love you. I love you. I send this message through my fingers and into his, up his arm and into his heart. Hear me. I love you. And I'm sorry to leave you." -Jenny Downham

This I am practilly speechless. This is amazing

on Oct. 15 2011 at 2:42 pm
BleedingRose PLATINUM, Frederic, Wisconsin
33 articles 1 photo 378 comments

Favorite Quote:
*The darkness holds infinite possibilities.


I like this a lot, very good job . . . it seems whispery, quiet, calm and lonely . . . it had a rly good effect and the mood matches wat u were writing, thts always good  =]


on Oct. 14 2011 at 9:23 pm
KristySparklez BRONZE, Sterling, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 53 comments

Favorite Quote:
Time only numbs all pain, it does not heal the wounds created by, nor does it heal the pain

this is wicked awesome!!! keep an eye on my work and comment and rate my work please!!! it'd mean a lot anyways wicked awesome!!! keep up the good work!!!

on Oct. 10 2011 at 6:18 pm
rachelwilson SILVER, Paris, Tennessee
5 articles 0 photos 11 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I went thirty minutes without seeing something of remebrance to you.. but then again,.. my eyes were closed.." -Rachel Wilson

This is wonderful. I could picture every word. Keep it up!

on Oct. 2 2011 at 6:21 pm
Anonymous_7 SILVER, Branson, Missouri
6 articles 0 photos 118 comments

Favorite Quote:
-The only time you can get away with murder is when writing a book!

This was really intresting. Your a great writer. Would you mind commenting/rating my work? Thanks!

on Sep. 26 2011 at 12:17 pm
AngelForeverBleedingLove DIAMOND, Frederic, Wisconsin
65 articles 3 photos 248 comments

Favorite Quote:
You say you don't remember,
But I will never forget

This is a really good poem. I loved it :D It was quiet but well-spoken at the same time if that makes sense -Angel

on Sep. 25 2011 at 11:34 am
Blue4indigo PLATINUM, Sturbridge, Connecticut
24 articles 0 photos 382 comments

Favorite Quote:
I'd rather be sorry for something that I did than for something I didn't do.
-Red Scott

Your poem is beautiful, it remids me of the dusk right after a lovely sunset, melancholy, subtle. I really like how you described such mundane objects such as a sofa and a dog, then, somehow gave them such significance. Great job!

Could you please read my poem "Deceit" and tell me whether it's any good?

on Sep. 5 2011 at 2:03 pm
emilybwrites SILVER, Villa Hills, Kentucky
5 articles 0 photos 112 comments

Favorite Quote:
last night i lay in bed, looking up at the stars and i thought to myself, where the heck is the ceiling?

well, it's about a person looking back on their life as a ghost, and they are remembering different memories.

Risible SILVER said...
on Sep. 4 2011 at 11:21 am
Risible SILVER, Norwalk, Connecticut
7 articles 0 photos 59 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Sooner or later, those who win are those who think they can." -Richard Bach

very interesting, I love the writing and the there something specific you're talking about? 

on Sep. 3 2011 at 8:33 pm
emilybwrites SILVER, Villa Hills, Kentucky
5 articles 0 photos 112 comments

Favorite Quote:
last night i lay in bed, looking up at the stars and i thought to myself, where the heck is the ceiling?

that was my cousin if y'all are wondering! dont be freaked out :)

on Sep. 3 2011 at 8:23 pm
emilybwrites SILVER, Villa Hills, Kentucky
5 articles 0 photos 112 comments

Favorite Quote:
last night i lay in bed, looking up at the stars and i thought to myself, where the heck is the ceiling?

I am so proud of this very special author who happens to be my cousin.  She is a special girl with many wonderful talents.  Go Emmy!

on Aug. 25 2011 at 3:59 pm
Timekeeper DIAMOND, Cary, North Carolina
62 articles 0 photos 569 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A guy walks up to me and asks 'What's Punk?'. So I kick over a garbage can and say 'That's punk!'. So he kicks over a garbage can and says 'That's Punk'?, and I say 'No that's trendy'!"- Billie Joe Armstrong, Green Day

I just read this again, and my opinions from before still stand: this is excellent!