As People Change | Teen Ink

As People Change

July 5, 2011
By GiselleJ BRONZE, Missouri City, Texas
GiselleJ BRONZE, Missouri City, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Live in the land of &quot;what next&quot;...not &quot;if only&quot;!&quot;<br /> &quot;Do what you feel because those that mind don&#039;t matter and those that matter don&#039;t mind.&quot;<br /> &quot;You can do anything, but not everything.&quot;<br /> &quot;Sometimes you can only see the stars when it&#039;s completely dark&quot;

I had a dream last night.
I dreamt that the Earth…
As we know it was a triangle.
I took a step back and looked because
It was supposed to be round.
I floated on top of the gorgeous blue waters
And breathed in the refreshing green landscape
Then, the Earth talked to me.
I began to drown because the Earth wasn’t supposed to talk.
I held his hand tight as I watched her take her last breathe
That hospital bed not worthy enough to take her life.
I danced a dance to a silent beat
I sang a song not written, without lyrics.
Why? Why do people change?
Why are we as humans…as people…forced to watch the world change before our eyes?
This is my Earth, my time, and I want something more.
Much more.
I shout to the top of my lungs
My heart is breaking, my dreams bursting at the seams
She didn’t deserve it…to die.
This thing took over her body and she had no say
Not that day, not in any way…not that day.
The Earth revolves and I dizzily spin with it
Remembering when she would tell me bed time stories I never listened to
Remembering when she would evenly spread peanut butter and jelly on my sandwiches, I never ate
Mommy! Please don’t leave me.
Don’t you want to see me graduate? Or get married? Or become something more
More than this little girl with bows in her hair and innocent eyes?
Just hold on. I want to see you change.
I want you to see me change.
I’m forced to watch other people change with this world, while you lay in bed
Fighting for your life against this sickness
This disease. This thing.
I close my eyes shut. I don’t want to see the plug pulled.
But even with my eyes closed, I can’t shut out the sound of a woman gasping for air
This Earth is my haven as my mom goes to her new home
A home above the clouds and the stars and the cold moon
I’m stuck here on Earth, watching
As people change.

The author's comments:
The pain of a little girl losing her mother to cancer.

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