Disbelief | Teen Ink


June 27, 2011
By CBLover SILVER, Bells, Texas
CBLover SILVER, Bells, Texas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;May the words of my mouth and the mediation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord...&quot;<br /> Psalm 19:14

Broken. Time and time again. Shattered as if glass had fallen from the pearly gates of Heaven, otherwise known as my heart... A curse that has yet to be lifted, a curse that no one has ever been able to solve. Only I know this unprenouned secret.
Love. A word my parents think I don't understand. A feeling that I want and not sure he is feeling anymore. A word that I do not feel anymore... A feeling that never goes away, no matter what you do. The pain is still there...
Friends. People who are there for you for what-ever the reason. To catch my tears with a bucket and carry a bat to smash someone's head in if they even try to mess with me. Whom comfort me in despair and cherish the smiles and the memories of us together. Some whom do not understand who they can and can't mess around with.
Black. I can't see a light or a hand to help me out of this hole. Hundred-mile winds pushing me wherever it wants me to be. Traps everywhere, injured and bloody. No way out of this place. Satan laughing in my face.
Time. Endless pain that hurts worse and worse when you are trying your best to mend it. No medicine to take to reduce your pain and agony, no comfort or hope. Satan's getting stronger and he's leaving you behind, beaten up and neglected, powerless... God is trying his hardest to lead you back to him, but you are already to far away from him, and you are weaker than you thought you were.
Laughter. Precious memories you will never get back. Hidden in the darkness, no key to unlock the treasure of happiness and hope. Feelings and your worldly possessions that you can't get back. You lost me and you will never get me back. So good luck with finding a girl like me who actually cared about you. Someday you will want me back, I will NEVER want you back. So don't try to win me back, you lost that chance when you broke my heart... You might have piece of the masterpiece that took forever for me to make but you will never have the credit of making it whole. My heart, my masterpiece.
Thanks for making my check-list for the perfect guy easier to find because you caused me to make it longer ever since you broke the artist's masterpiece. Now your out of my life for good and my life has gotten so much better. No more stress, No more worries, I found a guy, and he's perfect for me.

The author's comments:
While cleaning out my purse the other day, I found this poem which I had written a few months ago and decided to add more to it. I wrote this poem because this guy who I had dated back in October was trying to get me back and I had a boyfriend already... He kept trying and trying to get me to take him back but I wouldn't because I was happy with the man I was with already... This has happened to me twice this past year... and I stood up to both and told them no, not in a million years. They are completely out of my life for good and my life has been so much better since then. I hope others will understand this article because of the passion that I poured out into it while writing it.

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