Risk Taking | Teen Ink

Risk Taking

June 1, 2011
By audreykramer1 BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
audreykramer1 BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Taking risks;
so easy to say, yet so hard to do.
The hardest part is taking the first step;
making the first decision.
Convincing your brain,
out of your comfort level, out of control.
The emotions so intense, you don’t know what to do.
So easy to say, yet so hard to do.

Taking risks;
so easy to say, yet so hard to do.
Telling yourself to just talk to him;
letting yourself cry in front of her, and not be embarrassed;
laughing at something others may not find funny;
letting yourself be out of control with no hesitation;
Not caring about the opinions of others;
facing yourself and the truth in the end of it all.
So easy to say, yet so hard to do.

The greatest rewards in life go to risk takers.
He who risks nothing, gets nothing.
You must risk going too far to discover how far you can truly go.
The complete feeling and power consumes your body,
like the crash of waves on a shore or thunder before lightning.
No matter the outcome, always worth it in the end,
making you another day wiser and another day stronger.
To be alive at all involves some risk.
So easy to say, yet so hard to do.

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