Power Of Man | Teen Ink

Power Of Man

June 8, 2011
By lbbarlow125 DIAMOND, Yonkers, New York
lbbarlow125 DIAMOND, Yonkers, New York
89 articles 0 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Veni Vedi Vici"

Why will the eagle not spread his wings
Has fortune dawned against him
Or is this a choice of his own
Does the eagle see what we ourselves cannot
For he is right to keep folded away his wings
Though still an animal is he
Why is it that thy fair eagle sees farther than we
Is it fate or personal action
Or are the they combined
Is one the other
If the eagle a symbol of power and freedom
Is he keeps his very own wings folded
Then a change we must make
We must give him a reason to unfurl his wings
The challenge is to reopen his eyes
But it is something that can be taken in by we
For we are man
Man the force of the world
Turner of good and evil
The decider of fates
To save a life or abolish it
This supreme power was given to no other but we
So lets use it
But use it to open the eyes of the greater good
Use this power not for destruction
But for restoration
We must stop building the world to suit better ourselves
and suit better the world itself
Manifest in it the power to do greater good
Manifest our true power in the most divine way possible
Open wide the doors to love
And have them fill the hearts of the faithful
Those not faithful to some petty religion
But faithful to the truth of grace
That which cannot be explained by some figure head or set of books
That grace which can only be found within oneself
Something that gives a drive to love this world and all in it
A power beyond the greatest powers of theology
That which must be both discovered and retained
Something that cannot be given
This is what we must use our power for
For we are but the most powerful of all creatures
None others have matched both our span and achievements
Man has the ability to see the good and the power to use it
We have the way to manifest grace in everyday life
And transpose it into something beyond ourselves
Something to impact that one greater force
The force of the earth
The home of homes and the giver of life to life
The earth is the beginning of birth and the end of death
But she herself always goes on
Therefore the earth is one of the last immortal forces
But also it was of the first
So let use use our supreme given power to preserve this
And to simply live in love truth honor power beauty and most importantly
in simplicity

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