Stay That Way for Just a While | Teen Ink

Stay That Way for Just a While

June 1, 2011
By zinkai1 BRONZE, Union City, Georgia
zinkai1 BRONZE, Union City, Georgia
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&ldquo;I have a gift for enraging people, but if I ever bore you it will be with a knife.&rdquo; ..Louise Brooks..<br /> <br /> &quot;Wisdom is not what you think, hear, or see she is what you are unless you strangle her cries.&quot; ..Ash.J..

Keep close like
you always do okay..
Don’t leave footprints
on my heart.

Hold the few secrets
in your wallet.
Never forgetting the
commas in such places.

Smile that smile like
you use to.
Taking my breathe captive
inside your locked safe.

Always be near by
whenever time goes extinct.
Let’s cast our doubts together
in sealed envelopes painted black.

Having your soft yet
tender embrace form subjects.
Just.. be my focus
and I’m your object.

Never fade into
the skies clouds.
If not always but
Just Stay That Way For a While

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