nos elevamos hasta la caida | Teen Ink

nos elevamos hasta la caida

May 27, 2011
By KaylaRose SILVER, Mayville, Michigan
KaylaRose SILVER, Mayville, Michigan
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
'It can't rain all the time."

Shadows fall on yesterday as
desperation shows its truth yet again.
As though time keeps slipping faster
through my hands, and I'm left here
to wonder..a lock without a key.

Just as the falling glass surrounds me
what once pierced my ears, your
voice replaced everything and now I've caught my breath.
You are my darkest burning star and I love you for this.

Its safe to say we should keep our fingers
crossed, as we cross from lane to lane.
Don't lose yourself cause I wont be turning back tonight..
Oh this is my testament, It was well worth it.

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