Yesterday Feelings | Teen Ink

Yesterday Feelings

May 27, 2011
By KaylaRose SILVER, Mayville, Michigan
KaylaRose SILVER, Mayville, Michigan
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
'It can't rain all the time."

I'm far from home and I feel so far gone.
This heaven, It's trying everything to keep me out.
I know these faces and I know I won't see them again.

Everyday feels like a carnival and I can't ride a thing...
Another night's end...more goodbyes and I don't feel real.
The light of your eyes mixes with the moonlight around me

I hear your soft breathing, I hear your dramatic sighs
I hear your heart beat rising with hopes and falling with your tears...
The gazes follow me down the streets I no longer know..

And I leave knowing to them this all was nothing.

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