Years Wasted | Teen Ink

Years Wasted

April 29, 2011
By BarryPie GOLD, Salem, New Hampshire
BarryPie GOLD, Salem, New Hampshire
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Love is like a butterfly. The more you chase it, the more it runs away. But sit still, and wait, and it will come to you." - Tim Golden

You left that day without warning,
you were the reason I woke up every morning.
I opened my eyes, and to my surprise,
you weren’t by my side.
You didn’t even say goodbye.

The last four years were a waste,
and they cant be replaced.
You filled that empty void, now my heart is destroyed.
I hope you’ve enjoyed, what you have done to me.
What you have done to me!

You provided a light, and you lit up my life.
You kept me alive.
Even though all you did was deceive, you made me believe.
You lit up my life,
and kept me alive.
I need you back in my life.

The author's comments:
Losing love is hard.

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