The Life of a Mistress | Teen Ink

The Life of a Mistress

April 27, 2011
By zinkai1 BRONZE, Union City, Georgia
zinkai1 BRONZE, Union City, Georgia
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&ldquo;I have a gift for enraging people, but if I ever bore you it will be with a knife.&rdquo; ..Louise Brooks..<br /> <br /> &quot;Wisdom is not what you think, hear, or see she is what you are unless you strangle her cries.&quot; ..Ash.J..

She awakens with a possessed mind frame,
Slowly forcing herself out of bed,
Walks sagely towards the mirror,
For her face was far beautiful than any other,

She leaves….

Feeling overly ecstatic from her desperate addiction,
Wanting more each time…she awaits for her giver,
He approaches with disgusted eyes,
Slipping the purchase within reach while strolling along form the opposite direction,
Seconds later he’s gone,

She feeds her demanding nerves….

Standing by the edge,
Waiting unstably for her new winner,
Speaking sweet nothings to her prey,
As they look with interest,

She falls….

The impact of rushing fluids through each vein,
Being attacked, overshadowed, completely captured,
She reaches the final blow... and collapses to the watered sidewalk,
Being in the mist as the moon offered a spotlight,

She loses it….

Mind, body destroyed,
Taking its own say so… limb by limb as they normally do,
Shaking rapidly, causing her to jerk freely,
Rolling over on her backward part,
Giving her audience a show of true life,

She helplessly stands….

Back to senses leaning next to a brick wall,
Catching what’s left of her thoughts,
Gazing all around with speaking eyes,
Still wanting more of the vital substance,

She welcomes….

Provoking the lustful as she walks by,
Showing them a little spoiler before it’s all there’s,
For she is a charmer of all charms,
Seducing with every motion…. Her hunt comes to an end,

She goes to work….

Keeping her end of the deal,
Playing along, but only for a while,
Her self worth cast beyond making pleasure,
Left with her cash prize,

She’s finally back to home plate….

Unraveling from her nightly attire,
She slowly drags over to that old bed,
Lying still… she cries herself to an endless sleep,
Her beautiful cursed face covered by layered sheets,

For she is living the life of a Mistress

The author's comments:
Just a thought of reality...

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