In The Rains | Teen Ink

In The Rains

April 7, 2011
By caranyak45 BRONZE, Kolkata, Other
caranyak45 BRONZE, Kolkata, Other
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
" When you want something,the whole universe conspires you to achieve it. " The Alchemist. ~Paulo Coelho

I was reading my lessons when I heard the pattering of rain,
Over the thatched roof of our small bamboo hut,
I ran and went out to look through the window pane with heart full of joy,
And laughed with joy and went out of our small hut.

I saw a farmer protecting his crops with full efforts,
And another one whipping his cart of bullocks,
Woman running as fast as possible with their pots filled of water made of mud,
And protecting their saplings and the nest was the birds’ only vocation.

The sky was dark studded with clouds,
Thunder accompanied with it and with all mighty shouts,
I displayed my heart’s elation,
And danced with an extremely odd fashion.

I tasted the first of rains which arrived at the village,
And felt it trickling down my white cheeks,
I danced with full zest,
And my happiness was at its best.

But then my sister called me, “Dada come in, you will catch a cold”
“Why are you even trying to be so bold?”
I waved my hand and asked her to come on,
But she was being silly and retorted that she wont come out.

I took her by hand forcefully and let her out,
She shivered and tried to plan to be out,
I pointed towards the grass fields and gave a mischievous smile,
And she overtook me and tried reaching the fields before me.

We reached and counted the hails,
And hit the bullocks,
Danced and sang and fleeted our time without any fears,
And played with mud.

But happiness was fading because the rain was parting,
The rain concluded and the sky became eventually clear,
And all started their own and same occupation,
And nature came back to its early dimensions.

The sun shone brightly upon the green leaves of the trees like diamonds,
And a hot damp smell of the grass was the only aroma emitted by our Mother Earth,
We became a little sad, but as we knew that happiness is temporary,
But we did not lose expectations that easily.

We went back hand in hand towards our home,
And this time with a smile that was bold.

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This article has 1 comment.

on May. 7 2011 at 3:13 am
Touchstone BRONZE, Calcutta, Other
2 articles 0 photos 20 comments

Favorite Quote:
Two roads Diverged in a wood.... <br /> And i chose the one less trodden black....

well written... :D