Black Faery | Teen Ink

Black Faery

March 25, 2011
By Br0k3n_BaBy_D0LL GOLD, Madisonville, Kentucky
Br0k3n_BaBy_D0LL GOLD, Madisonville, Kentucky
10 articles 2 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
Nothing strengthens authority so much as silence

- Leonardo da Vinci

Do you hold your self together
In fear you’ll fall apart
Do you think of every thing
As a work of art

Do0 you hold the silence close
And push the noise away
Do you call day the night
And the night the day

Would you rather lay under the moon
Then tan with the bright sun
Do you keep going
When everybodys done

Are you an island of yourself
A soul lost in the croud
Can you push your self back up
But choose to go back down

Do you stare into the blackness
Like it’s a living thing
Like it can eat you alive
And then inside you’ll grow your wings

The author's comments:
Thius is one of my favorite poms that ive written and i hope you like it:)

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