I Don't Need A Guardian Angel | Teen Ink

I Don't Need A Guardian Angel

March 9, 2011
By AidanMarie BRONZE, Hudson, Massachusetts
AidanMarie BRONZE, Hudson, Massachusetts
2 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;We live in a primitive time; not savage nor wise.&quot; - Hannibal Lecter<br /> &quot;It&#039;s only after we&#039;ve lost everything that we&#039;re free to do anything.&quot;<br /> &quot;If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person?&quot;

The way you touch me,
Soft and sweet,
Sends tingles down my spine.
You’re hands so gently
Trace patterns on my skin.
When you hold me
Your arms are strong,
For you know I am not fragile.
The kisses on my lips,
So light,
So full of passion.
Others treat me
As if I’m a porcelain doll.
They lock me in a case
So I won’t break.
But when you pull me close
You’re gentle, but not careful.
Because you know I won’t fall to pieces.
I feel safe in your
Tender embrace.
You don’t try to protect me.
You know you’re not
My “knight in shining armor.”
You would never try to “save me.”
All you want to do
Is teach me how to
Want to save myself.

The author's comments:
I’ve heard a lot of girls say the person that love, “You’re my guardian angel.” “You protect me.” “You saved me.” But that’s not true love. I don’t want anyone who thinks they need to “protect me.” I’m strong. I just want what the girl from this poem – the only girl who ever loved me the way I deserve to be loved – gave me. She taught me the most important thing I have could ever learn. And I want this poem to teach you how you deserve to be loved.

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