Alaska | Teen Ink


March 11, 2011
By Chelsea_My_Time BRONZE, PUEBLO, Colorado
Chelsea_My_Time BRONZE, PUEBLO, Colorado
2 articles 3 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you&#039;re gonna be stupid, you gotta be tough... ~ Terry<br /> <br /> The journey is what brings us happiness not the destination ~ Peaceful Warrior

The days are calm, the nights are silent, but you stay in peace.
Death on Earth a cycle that is neither beginning or ending.
Balance within Earth can never be at one will not last.
The days are winter, the nights are spring.
As spring approaches the minters fades away gone until the return.
A dark figure stands in back lurking like a drug.
Far enough away to not pull, yet close enough to be interested.
The figure turns into you and takes hold.
No regrets until the end of the ride
by then it’s too late to be that person.

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