A Rush | Teen Ink

A Rush

March 11, 2011
By Chelsea_My_Time BRONZE, PUEBLO, Colorado
Chelsea_My_Time BRONZE, PUEBLO, Colorado
2 articles 3 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you&#039;re gonna be stupid, you gotta be tough... ~ Terry<br /> <br /> The journey is what brings us happiness not the destination ~ Peaceful Warrior

Hearts beat faster, faster
Blood rushing out in the open
Adrenaline rushing…
Never ending effect…
Short story for most
For me a way to release pain
The shock is only there when it hurts
Deeper and deeper
Darken into a lost, forgotten soul
Veins pumping lost forever
Still standing…
No regrets till the end of the ride, by then it’s too late to run back.
Some take lives, while others take chances
Slaughtering on site, no regrets
No “do- over’s” just this moment
Transferring the pain and agony to others
Making plan putting it in action
A masquerade of a Massacre
Killing with no face
Facing a villain with no name
No identity…
No regrets till the end of the ride, by then it’s too late to run back.
Inching closer and closer, till there is
No more pain, no more suffering.
One more inch till the flow is definite. A hopeless being drifting away
Drowning in a pool of blood. The splash of no regrets no sorrow.
As a pain of there being no tomorrow washes over like a band-aid or a stitch.
Closing the wound
The misery of living another day
The horror of watching all depth of human life, turn shallow and cold.
A blood trail, to leave the darkest of nights.
Till the sun shines of a new breathe.
A dark figure stands in the back lurking like a drug.
Far enough away to not pull in but close enough to be interested.
The figure turns towards you and takes hold.
No regrets till the end of the ride, by then it’s too late to run back.

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