Nothing Sweeter Than June- Time. | Teen Ink

Nothing Sweeter Than June- Time.

February 27, 2011
By lizabeffie BRONZE, Northport, Alabama
lizabeffie BRONZE, Northport, Alabama
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Hey, Hey, Hey.

Do you remember those days?

Those days with the sun beating down on our bare backs,

and we didn’t care if we got burnt- it was only an excuse for another cold dip in the water.

Our toes squished in the mud of the creek banks, and the soles of our feet turned black.

We pulled the sea shells from under the ruble of the bottom of the water-

I still haven’t gotten that dirt out from under my fingernails.

It’s just another reminder that you’re not around anymore.

The radio turned up as loud as it would go, the windows in your truck rattled so-

We just rolled them down, and felt the wind whip us in our face.

The wind, the wind. Oh, if it could speak the things that it would say-

“Hold onto this day, because tomorrow it’ll be gone.”

Maybe, we should have listened, but we didn’t.

Because, when it’s summer time and you’re in love- you just can’t be told any different.

Oh, those sweet kisses under the maple tree.

The butterflies in the afternoon sun all stopped fluttering around their flowers to stop and stare at us for a minute-

they’d never seen anything more beautiful.

And, neither had we.

We were past the point of oblivion, the fear before the fall, the thunder before the storm.

Oh, you, you. You called me sugar, you kissed my nose. And I melted, melted, melted.

I was a strawberry popsicle beneath your bare feet on the side walk.

God, it was warm that summer. Flip flops, cut off shorts, pony tail. And you told me I was beautiful.

With the freckles on my nose, the sand in my hair, the brown of my shoulders- you couldn’t stop staring.

Your arms around me, your hand in my left back pocket.

“You’re mine, you’re mine, you’re mine.” You didn’t care- you told the whole world.

But, they wouldn’t listen. Mama said- hell, who cares what Mama said.

Because, when it’s summer time and you’re in love- you just can’t be told any different.

Tilting, dizzy, walking wasted through June and July- as we found ourselves then.

Snuggled in the cup of the Ferris Wheel seat, air spun cotton candy thick in our hands.

Sticky, sweet sliding down our throats.

You were standing beneath me in the water,

and I was still stuck up in the tree, holding onto that damned rope swing.

“Come on, already!”

“I can’t, I’m scared!”

You told me to just close my eyes and leap, to just let go and breathe. And I did- I trusted you.

I was falling, falling, falling…into your arms, and you caught me.

“Baby, don’t be scared, I’ve got you.”

Curled up on the couch, kissing.

You tasted like cinnamon, and your tongue lingered.

You gave me chills. Goose bumps all up and down my arms, and it was 95 degrees outside.

You had to leave before my parents got home and we just snuck you out the back door.

We didn’t care if we got in trouble, we’d do what we wanted any way.

You were to old for me, you were leaving for college in the fall.

But, I wasn’t worried. You promised you’d write, come back and visit, and I bought it.

I believed every word your mouth spoke, all because your lips tasted like cinnamon.

It was night time, and I was crawling over banisters and climbing down walls.

All just to get to you, you were waiting at the end of the street.

I climbed into your truck, your hand played over my knee.

The radio turned up as loud as it would go, the windows in your truck rattled so-

We just rolled them down, and felt the wind whip us in our face.

The wind, the wind. Oh, if it could speak the things that it would say-

“Hold onto this day, because tomorrow it’ll be gone.”

Maybe, we should have listened, but we didn’t.

Because, when it’s summer time and you’re in love- you just can’t be told any different.

I could still see the house through the breaks in the trees behind us, the moon danced in shadows overhead.

And for a moment, I was nervous. Butterflies squirming in my stomach.

You grabbed my hand, and hit the gas. We were gone, gone, gone.

Then I was sure, I was positive, I was holding onto dear life- I was holding onto you.

We were past the point of oblivion, the fear before the fall, the thunder before the storm.

Parked at the lake, laying on a blanket in the back of your truck.

Fingers twisted, I can’t remember what you whispered. But, it was beautiful. Beautiful.

The stars winked at us, and danced. They put on a show, and we watched in awe.

Everything that could have been said, should have been said was spoken.

We left it to the silence.

Hey, Hey, Hey.

Do you remember those days?

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