Love Is... | Teen Ink

Love Is...

January 28, 2011
By LoveisHappiness97 BRONZE, Freeport, Texas
LoveisHappiness97 BRONZE, Freeport, Texas
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
There was a Curse , There was a Girl , and in the end , There was a grave

Love is more than a four letter word.
It is like the relantionship of sun and moon,
Reflecting off each others light.
It moves like the beat of a samba, Flowing through your body.
Love is the tears you see when fathers come home from the war,
And hug their family tight.
When a childs palm is against glass,
Seperating him from his father.
And loving him ,
No matter what daddy did.
Love is when a baby stares at you,
Cooing at the sight of a silly face.
Love is when there are smiles ,
From both Bride and Groom.
Not thiinking of the trials of young couples,
But of how they will grow old together.
Its when you get that tingling feeling when you see you loved one,
Spend time with family,
Or remeber the ones who have passed.
Love is....

The author's comments:
Read it for Poetry Night at my school.

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