Silent Solace | Teen Ink

Silent Solace

January 20, 2011
By xJack_of_Heartsx BRONZE, Everson, Washington
xJack_of_Heartsx BRONZE, Everson, Washington
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
When in doubt, C-4.

Most of us have gone on those school field trips to wildlife parks, and they usually have some funny name like the Hovander Park. We leave all of the noises, bothers, and suffocation of the city, to find ourselves in the forested mountains. The silence of the forest to some is uncomfortable, but to me it’s the 9th wonder of the world
At the park the deep humid smell of the forest after a summer rain, condensation still dripping off the mossy branches. The underbrush of ferns and twigs, crunching and snapping under our boots. The feel of the bark rough on my fingers, and the damp ground beneath our shoes, it all felt real. The smell, feel, and sight the forest was real, their was no true wildlife.
Though hardly a bird in sight, complete silence fills the air. This forest was tampered with, well assisted to be more precise. Showing mans feeble attempt at restoring nature. They might have everyone else fooled but I know. Then that proves we can find solace in something of our own creation.

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