Musical Fantasy | Teen Ink

Musical Fantasy

December 16, 2010
By Mourningwolf BRONZE, Clermont, Florida
Mourningwolf BRONZE, Clermont, Florida
3 articles 6 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
Rise and Rise Again until the Lion Becomes the Lamb.

The anticipation rises from the audience,
Choking out all other thought that run through my mind.
The bright lights illuminate my music turning it a brilliant white
The conductor’s arms go up and
I gingerly set the asphalt black mouthpiece in my mouth
As the conductor’s baton goes down I enter a new world
Where everything is perfect
Where it is only me and the music
I dance with the half notes
And flit amongst the eighth notes
The phrases twirl around me like ribbons in the breeze
The rest of the band floods through my senses
Every rest, every breath mark I am aware of
Every tiny movement and breath taken in by a musician
Surround me.
It’s a different world
One that I enter to escape from my problems
One that I use to express myself
One that will one day save my very existence
And as the conductor cuts the music
I’m just another girl sitting on a stage and dreaming

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