Eternal Bed | Teen Ink

Eternal Bed

December 28, 2010
By TerraTAZz GOLD, Sapulpa, Oklahoma
TerraTAZz GOLD, Sapulpa, Oklahoma
18 articles 3 photos 86 comments

Favorite Quote:
Nobody goes through life without a scar.

-carol burnett

My heads beating,
but not in a good way.
My heart's racing,
How fast did that monitor say?
Oh my gosh,
am i going to die?
I Swear I didn't mean to get that
Lord help me I can't go like this.
Oh no i can hear deaths shallow hiss...
What will my father say?
I won't even live to see my 18th
I can't breathe now..I see that flat line..
All i can hear is the doctor repeating airline.
I know I've made a big mistake,
I can almost hear my mothers heartbreak.
Her only daughter lying lifeless in an eternal bed,
covered in a blanket,
blood red.

The author's comments:
just something that wrote itself into my brain one night.

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