Boy Crazes Girl | Teen Ink

Boy Crazes Girl

November 29, 2010
By sarahcarp63 DIAMOND, Denver, Colorado
sarahcarp63 DIAMOND, Denver, Colorado
51 articles 2 photos 17 comments

Favorite Quote:
'The really important people in life have a way of coming back to you'
'Good enough isn't good enough'
'You don't have to be sick to get better'
'Come what may and love it'

This boy, he's got my heart tied in a knot.
I don't want to go. cause I'm so close.
I can almost taste the reward
Maybe that's what hurts the most.

I'm running out of patience for him
But I know that I will wait forever.
I can't get over this silly boy
And to hold on is not my endeavor

Though I want to be with him
I can't because he's not able to attain
Untouchable but not unlovable
He's in my heart and mind as a stain.

My feelings can't be thrown away
Because there's too much to remove
Every move his lips, though they can be bullets
Thrill me and I so desperately approve

I know it's the hopeless thoughts
Of a silly love struck girl
He's got my head in a rush
And my heart in a whirl

Whoever thought that love was simple
I assure you that they were wrong
It doesn't come easily or both ways
I've loved him for so long

Through desperate years of desire
For the return of affection
This boy is not only my drug
He's also the infection

That keeps me so addicted
And diseases my brain
His voice, touch and smell
Drives me to far the side of insane

But this boy is not bad
No, not at all. He's so sweet
And this poison he feds me
It's nothing that he can't treat.

My perfect antidote to my craziness
Is the boy who brought it on
So please, my hero please come
Or soon everything of me will be gone

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