Traced | Teen Ink


November 18, 2010
By iheartHP BRONZE, Huntington, West Virginia
iheartHP BRONZE, Huntington, West Virginia
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I am from a college town
born a Wolverine fan.
I am from snowstorms in April,
my dog pulling me along
in my little blue sled.

I am from South Side Place,
Edlowe Street.
Sweltering heat.
Where bathing suits
were the outfit of choice,
even during Christmas.
I am from baseball in the backyard,
jaggedly cutting Courtney's hair,
feeding the one-eyed neighborhood cat.
I am from fire ants and eternal summer.

I am from Frankfurt meets Dublin,
second generation,
now American.

I am almost from San Francisco.
Golden Gate Bride,
row houses and street cars.
But I'm not.

I am from rolling green hills,
gently sloped and sleeping
like hibernating green bears.
I am from coal mines.
Where all four seasons
are equally felt and seen,
and people speak
like out-of-tune banjos.

The author's comments:
This poem was inspired by an "I Am From..." poem that was an assignment in my creative writing class at school. It talks about all the places I've lived, where I almost lived, and where I live now.

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