The Treasure I Found | Teen Ink

The Treasure I Found

October 16, 2010
By singingdetective SILVER, Sugar Land, Texas
singingdetective SILVER, Sugar Land, Texas
9 articles 0 photos 53 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Out of a world of laughter,
suddenly I am sad.
Day and night, it haunts me,
the kiss I never had"
--Midsummer by Syndey King Russell

"Chances lost are hope's torn up pages"-- "Chances" by Five for Fighting

I've waited for this treasure for a long time.
Something to hold, to keep, and it's all mine.
I've driven and strived for this gold.
I've never not once, had it to hold.
Now, it's been found.
But I am not homeward bound.
I've held it, and dreampt of it.
Seen it in the shining light glint.

This gold was like a person to me.
My dreams of them you say?
Oh, how glorious I dreampt they would be.

Now, it's slipping away from my hands,
and they will travel to far away lands.
This still saddens me so, but which is more?
That I, I will never see them again?
Or that they will never know that they were the Treasure I found.

The author's comments:
With that, always tell someone how much you mean to them-- never let that slip away.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Sep. 9 2011 at 12:51 pm
singingdetective SILVER, Sugar Land, Texas
9 articles 0 photos 53 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Out of a world of laughter,
suddenly I am sad.
Day and night, it haunts me,
the kiss I never had"
--Midsummer by Syndey King Russell

"Chances lost are hope's torn up pages"-- "Chances" by Five for Fighting

Thank you again for commenting/posting!!! :D Much appreciated!!!

on Sep. 8 2011 at 3:41 pm
xKeli826x BRONZE, Middletown, New York
1 article 1 photo 57 comments
This is an awesome poem. Ilove the message it conveys and I really agree with it. Good Job :)