Musical Relief | Teen Ink

Musical Relief

October 13, 2010
By Jay Patrick PLATINUM, Albemarle, North Carolina
Jay Patrick PLATINUM, Albemarle, North Carolina
29 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Through music all emotion is felt
from the brightest flowers of happiness
to the toughest of hate, with its rugged pelt
to brooding depression and sadness

such poetic beauty is not read
often overlooked for real meaning
and real feeling on a sheet, bled
but is felt in sweet harmonious tones of singing!

yes, such sweet harmonious tones
sending waves of pure emotion through
such power, all types of music hones
and believably candid music, is tried and true

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This article has 2 comments.

on Oct. 27 2010 at 6:23 am
Jay Patrick PLATINUM, Albemarle, North Carolina
29 articles 0 photos 6 comments
thank you that means a lot to know someone's reading it and understanding it!!  spread the word and keep reading!!

on Oct. 26 2010 at 10:02 pm
SpringRayyn PLATINUM, Lakeville, Minnesota
34 articles 2 photos 658 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Don&#039;t punish yourself,&quot; she heard her say again, but there would be punishment and pain, and there would be happiness too. That was writing.&quot;<br /> --Markus Zusak, &quot;The Book Thief&quot;

I know exactly what you mean!!!! I love how you described it as "real feeling on a sheet" and how most people overlook the real meaning. I really liked your diction too.