Here's to the People | Teen Ink

Here's to the People

September 16, 2010
By IAnswerToArnold BRONZE, Orange, Massachusetts
IAnswerToArnold BRONZE, Orange, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"I'm not a naturally happy person. I just eat excessive chocolate."

For a while it was all you'd hear about
All the troops they were sending out
Heroes who died
Gave their life
For a war being fought for who knows why
Now it's like it doesn't exist
A war, what war?
Is there something I missed?

There isn't a single thing on the news
The only time it's mentioned is as an excuse
For our big, fat debt
Or for the recession
Why don't they ever learn their lesson?

It seems to me that our gov's forgot
That our troops are people, with lives and thoughts
As if they understand what it's like in a jet
When a bomb's coming at you, people show some respect

This war's gotta end some day, somehow
We can't just pretend it's not going on right now
And don't forgot the people walking down the street
Bombed, not for crimes, but for what they believe
It's a crime just to think that it's no big deal
That all those families have wounds that might not heal

Here's to 9/11 victims, those who died during war
To those who who give till they can't give more
To those who were murdered in the Holocaust
And to those who lived, loved, and lost
Wrapping this up with one more dedication
Here's to those that lived for our nation
Who struggled and fought for our land to be free
Who gave up their lives so I could be me

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