Shadows | Teen Ink


September 13, 2010
By Inkspired PLATINUM, Whitby, Other
Inkspired PLATINUM, Whitby, Other
26 articles 0 photos 493 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If one will scoff at the study of language, how, save in terms of language, will one scoff?" - Mario Pei
"I write for the same reason I breathe - because if I didn't, I would die." Isaac Asimov

first lightly
with a sweep of his hand
the artist brushes the shadows on
as the sun sets
with each stroke
time passing
the shadows deepen
the light darkens
everything is soon covered
by the thin black watercolour
until the light shines again

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This article has 1 comment.

HudaZav SILVER said...
on Jul. 10 2014 at 10:46 am
HudaZav SILVER, Toronto, Other
8 articles 6 photos 390 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Nothing is impossible; the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" -Audrey Hepburn

Wow, beautiful poem!