I need you. | Teen Ink

I need you.

June 2, 2010
By JasmineG. GOLD, Lawrence, Massachusetts
JasmineG. GOLD, Lawrence, Massachusetts
11 articles 1 photo 14 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We're in the present not the future. The only thing we can do now is listen to our hearts and pay for it later with the satisfaction of knowing we did something actually worthwhile." -Jasmine Garver

I need you here today
So you can yell at me
So I can fight with you
So you can hug me when I cry
I need you here today
So you can take me shopping
So you can be my best friend
So I can tell you about boys
I need you here today
to say "I love you Jazz"
to ask "how was you're day"
and to just see the smile on your face
I need you everyday of my life
to get all the time I can't have
to get a chance at happiness
and to have a chance to call you "Mom"
I just NEED you all the time

The author's comments:
Realizing all the things I will miss with my Mom. Realizing that I will never get a chance to do any of these things with her. Realizing that I will never talk to or see her again. The moment of truth inspired me to write this.

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