The River | Teen Ink

The River

May 13, 2010
By Sarahnade GOLD, Bella Vista, Arkansas
Sarahnade GOLD, Bella Vista, Arkansas
15 articles 3 photos 10 comments

Falling through the creases
in the ever-flowing rush of
passion and nature
to a course that will never end
where immortality is common
to the elemental suspended light
of the measurements that never exist
in the context of reality
to fool the passerby
and replenish in a trodden land
to become the Earth and Sky
with the use of recycled
contents of the pursuing darkness
to reach for the fingers of its comrades
for they will never touch
but entangle the joy of rushing
to see the mixes unmatched
and meet the gorge of eternity
to never die and become
one and separate
to travel innumerable paths
and continue in one stride
the circle encompasses existence
to maintain balance and dignity
for the beat of heart and mind
to gain the speed and slow turbulence
for the peace of depth
and gunk of leisure
to resources unembellished by the stink

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