Vietnam Memorial: Shock | Teen Ink

Vietnam Memorial: Shock

May 15, 2010
By Allison Roth GOLD, Pound Ridge, New York
Allison Roth GOLD, Pound Ridge, New York
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Three men- a Latino, a Caucasian, and an African American
A statue representing more than just three races coming together
But how our country, America, was formed
And most importantly, the significance of the Vietnam War

Walking farther and farther down the never ending wall
Knowing the incredible magnitude of what I was looking at
And the sadness that comes with it
Was heart wrenching and overwhelming

I noticed a family crowding around one spot on the wall
And then heard the little girl exclaim “Mama! There’s a John!”
First I noticed only her strong southern accent
But then it hit me

I slowly realized that this family was finding relatives
It was so saddening
That all I could do was stop, stare, and listen
I was in shock.

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