Unanswered Questions | Teen Ink

Unanswered Questions

May 7, 2010
By steezylishous BRONZE, North Egremont, Massachusetts
steezylishous BRONZE, North Egremont, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

On this day of depression
Consumed by obsession
We gather here in congregation
Achieving the overwhelming sensation
Sought out of desperation
To free our minds from past obligation

We sit in the rotation...
Of revelation

In a foggy delusion
We accept our confusion
Understanding that life is not a solution
But instead a progression
To find the unanswered question

Let us not live with oppression
For today is a new day
And life will not go on in the same way
That it has before
Because today we know more
Than the people who tore
Our hearts and souls from our dreams
Telling us life really is what is seems
When in reality
our opportunity
To succeed In this community
Can only be measured in Passion

So why do our old fashioned routines
Seem so obscene
That in order to redeem
Our unseen power
We are forced to devour
The lies like a shower
Of knives
Piercing into our eyes
Blind to the cries
Of our children

We are the children
The universe is our playground
For us to rehearse the sound
Of our voices
That might some day
Change the way
Our children will make choices
Of their own
Because the metronome
Of modern society
Sets the tone
Like a prison containing
Refraining our minds from gaining
The will to think alone

They say I'm just hi
That the sky
Is green when I know why
They tell me this lie
To stop my wondering eye
From seeing what is true...
It really is just blue
And they do it to you to
Because you are a child
And if released you'll go wild
So they exile
Our individuality
Cursing personality
Just one more fatality
And maybe
They will see

That we
Are more than just heirs
If we sing loud enough maybe
Our children will see
That their future is only theirs

So don't listen when they tell you what to do
Because what they preach is not true
You are free just to be you

So sit in the rotation
Of revelation

In foggy delusion
Accepting confusion
Understand that life is not a solution
But instead a progression
To find the unanswered question

Not what..... but who?

The author's comments:
This piece was written initially for a friend. I just wanted to write a happy poem contemplating life but what came out ended up being really passionate and completely different than what I was feeling when I began writing.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jul. 11 2010 at 9:39 pm
MercedesXO DIAMOND, South Easton, Massachusetts
52 articles 0 photos 280 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;I realize that life is risks. It&#039;s acknowledging the past but looking forward. It&#039;s taking chances that we will make mistakes but believeing we all deserve to be forgiven.&quot; <br /> -The Dead Tossed Waves.

"And life will not go on in the same way
That it has before
Because today we know more
Than the people who tore
Our hearts and souls from our dreams
Telling us life really is what is seems"

that was one of my favorite lines. great job and i really enjoyed it. it had an interesting flow and a great meaning behind it. amazing job. and im new to the website and my work hasn't yet been accepted..but when it is id love for you to view it and see what you think.