My Words: Harbor the Ability to Kill | Teen Ink

My Words: Harbor the Ability to Kill

April 25, 2010
By briannebohrman SILVER, Bethel, Connecticut
briannebohrman SILVER, Bethel, Connecticut
6 articles 2 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If God is the DJ, then life is the dance floor, love is the rhythm, and you are the music." -P!NK

"I know how it feels, filling in the blanks and looking to the bright side when there is no bright side."

My words furiously rush across blue faded lines.
Held by structure, secured by naive readers.
They coax and morph the abstract, complex human thought,
Into narrow minded, opinion-less fraud.
My words rely on the stupidity of man.
They are feeding on the reliability from unsure souls.
Constricting, they use the naive man’s brainwashed body,
To convince a brainwashed nation of lyrical untruths.
My words have the power to deceive.
And do so to show the world my pain and suffering.
Most people only see the artsy surface,
And fail to see the inside,
Where pain filled horrors lurk
and gloomy desperation fills the blank, eraser smudged spaces.

The author's comments:
"For my creative writing class, I was assigned to write a poem that was outside the barriers of which we normally stay within. I wanted to write a poem about how I really hate writing poems, showing how something seemingly worthless can brain-wash and effect a whole population. Inspired by the creation of the creation of the legendary Frankenstein.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jul. 28 2010 at 6:19 pm
BaileyBaby13 BRONZE, Enumclaw, Washington
2 articles 4 photos 75 comments
Amazing. Seriously, I don't really know what to say...except, great job. You have a lot of talent.