ENVY T_T | Teen Ink


March 21, 2010
By elaine_forsaken SILVER, Pagadian City, Pennsylvania
elaine_forsaken SILVER, Pagadian City, Pennsylvania
6 articles 3 photos 18 comments

Favorite Quote:
Maybe I was born to be rejected
... A lonely girl covered with fear and emptiness
Blinded with darkness got lost in the world: 'c

I can see their crimson eyes
glaring straight to mine
their hideous stare doesn't make me fine
it seems that i'm melting
everytime time they're staring
I don't know what I've done 2 be glared that way
Maybe I was just too pretty
that they just can't accept it :)

I can hear the gossips
babbling obviously against my side
their words are just to good for a lie
it seems like i'm stabbed
a hundred times on my back
I don't know what I've done to deserve this
Maybe I was just too dashing
that they just can't admit it :)

I can feel the anger
oozing in their jealous hearts
my presence hurts them so much
it seems like im a criminal
the way they look at me
I don't know what I've done to be treated this way
Maybe I was just too PERFECT
and they hate me because of this...

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