Nothing Gurl | Teen Ink

Nothing Gurl

March 21, 2010
By elaine_forsaken SILVER, Pagadian City, Pennsylvania
elaine_forsaken SILVER, Pagadian City, Pennsylvania
6 articles 3 photos 18 comments

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Maybe I was born to be rejected
... A lonely girl covered with fear and emptiness
Blinded with darkness got lost in the world: 'c

i've got a name and its elaine
a damn teenage gurl who doesnt really care
tried 2 be nice and friendly to others
but end up being forsaken
that makes me feel like

Maybe I wear baggies
and white socks with flip-flops,
maybe I don't like listening to rave
and I'm not on the social mountaintops,
maybe I don't care about the things
that make your worlds twirl,
maybe you look at me and think:
Gee, what a nothing girl.

Maybe I like giving smiles
which seems to be a sin today,
and maybe I allow my imagination
to sometimes run away,
maybe you don't understand this
and that's why you cannot see,
if this make me a nothing girl,
hey, that's ok with me!

The world makes you believe
your personality mustn't be detected,
your face must be picture perfect
and wear cloths just the best, to be accepted.
Maybe I look at you
and feel sorry that you're blind,
robots you have became,
yourself you'll never find.

God made you, as well as me,
this means I am something,
the world is a liar
and if I must be a nothing
for you to see it,
then so be it!

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