My Change | Teen Ink

My Change

March 18, 2010
By Saruhhh BRONZE, Mapelton, Illinois
Saruhhh BRONZE, Mapelton, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"six billion souls, six billion people, and sometimes all you need is one"

The soft embrace of you holding me
You were the change in my life that I needed
So oblivious to your insecurity

Forever it felt like I was a prisoner in my own world
I felt like I was translucent,
You could see right through me, something no one else could see
You saw the person I was,
The unhappiness I was suffering

The dazzle in your eyes,
The change you brought to my life,
That feeling lingered all throughout my mind
I say I love you,
I mean it, although to others can’t understand
Maybe if they had realized who I really was they would understand

Every morning I rise, and wonder if it’s all going to be the same
I hope no matter how many times I feel hurt,
I hope for you, the one that filled the void I thought I found

Perhaps all the feelings I have ever had are just a myth in my own mind
This time is different,
I feel a greater sense of emptiness
I’m lost

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