Today Is A Tragic Day. | Teen Ink

Today Is A Tragic Day.

March 17, 2010
By Anonymous

Today is a tragic day…

Please bow your head and pray,

Today a young girl gives her soul away,

She who was once free is now a slave,

Today is a tragic day…

Pilled high in her hands is a rose bouquet,

As she stands frozen- unmoving,

He lifts the veil away,

All is as silent as the grave,

Where her lost soul will forever stay,

All is as silent as the grave,

Except the wind which seems to mournfully say…

Today is a tragic day…

He misreads the tears,

That now run down her cheeks,

For happiness and love,

All the things he seeks,

She wants to go back,

But now it’s too late,

Today is a tragic day…

As the preacher speaks the well known words,

She searches for that familiar face,

But she does so in vain,

For her Mother made it plain,

That she would not be seen,

For Layla- having turned eighteen,

Was no longer her to claim,

Today is a tragic day…

Then it’s all over,

As the ring slips on her freedom slips away,

The wind gently dries the tears that still remain,

Today is a tragic day…

Please bow your head and pray,

Today a young girl gives her soul away,

She who was once free is now a slave,

Today is a tragic day…

The author's comments:
This a a true story about my cusion Layla, who her Senior year of high school, kinda lost her mind...
She had all of these scholerships for her AMAZING talent with instraments, not other things...when she one day just stoped goning to her classes stoped turning in workk and finally droped out of highschool- with her no good boy friend.

Her mother- and family- was devistated, but she refused to talk to anyone...well more like her boy friend refused to let her talk to anyone. A short while later she showed up at home to pick up a few of her things for she planned to move in with her boy friend and his mother.
Her mother begged her to go back to school and at lest graduate because there was little shcool time left anyway but Layla wouldnt even consider it.
She told her mother that she and her boy friend both had jobs blah blah blah but when her mother went there to see Layla the manager tlod her that Layla didnt work there..Layla later admitted to her false hood.
Laylas mother told me she has reasn to believe that Laylas boy friend did was beating Layla and that both him and now Layla were on some kind of drugs...and things just kept getting worse until finally...they married...just a few weeks ago because her boyfriends mother wouldnt let Layla live with her unless they were there wasnt even any realy love...and her mother refused to go-a desision that devistated both Layla and her mother...

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