Reflections of an Unlikely Heroine | Teen Ink

Reflections of an Unlikely Heroine

March 10, 2010
By SmilingFool GOLD, Merrickville, Other
SmilingFool GOLD, Merrickville, Other
10 articles 0 photos 22 comments

Favorite Quote:
There is no certainty, only opportunity
- V for Vendetta

She stands alone, as thin and ragged as the broom clutched between her emaciated fingers.

Like a jewel among pebbles her emerald skin stands out against the crystalline sapphire sky; as comely as it is terrifying.

For without him she has no pain left to fester, no contempt left to hide.

He was her hero, her redemption, her bittersweet addiction.

And without addiction what is left for those who are loved, but cannot return the indulgence, for fear of feeling at all.

The author's comments:
This is based on the Gregory Maguire masterpiece (and consequently fantastic musical) "Wicked". It is basically a summary of Elphabas feelings after Fiyeros death.

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