My Life is Like a Movie | Teen Ink

My Life is Like a Movie

February 24, 2010
By T*S,=P BRONZE, Marietta, Georgia
T*S,=P BRONZE, Marietta, Georgia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you reach for the stars, you&#039;ll at least get to the moon.<br /> If life gives you a 100 reasons to cry, give life a 1000 reasons to smile!<br /> Live, Love, Laugh! Peace Love Happiness! ☺&lt;3

Life is like a movie
It changes all the time
The plot's continously thickening
And it's a long ride

Life is like a movie
But the camera's always rolling
The intermissions are there invisibly
And the breaks are few

So my Life is Like a Movie..
yes, It's True

The author's comments:
Well after my drama class one day it hit me; life is similar to a movie production. So I decided to do a comparison and the result was this poem.

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