you said | Teen Ink

you said

February 22, 2010
By AmaamZ SILVER, Fairfield, Connecticut
AmaamZ SILVER, Fairfield, Connecticut
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You said you where ther for me
You said you where there for him
There for us
Forever and
You said you would be there to pick us up when we were down
But you left us
You walked away without looking back as if you didn't care about the pain it caused us
As if you no longer cared what happend to us
As if you had no regret for what you were doing
When we saw you again
You were different
We still mattered to you
You still cared for us
But only because you felt you had to
You put yourself first
You complain we dont see you
you say you dont know why
We no longer care for you
Yet you say you know everything about me
About us
You know nothing
All you know is that we once mattered to you
But you were after more
You were after life
When we visited you
We didnt see you
Not really
There was always someone there
Someone different everytime
Your walls covered with pictures of the two of you on an adventure
You knew them for a month or two
You knew them more than you knew us
There are no picture of us on your walls
Not one of us together
Not one of us at all
I used to love you
I used to want to see you
Now its forced
I no longer care for you
I no longer want to see you
Now its forced
But its now you chose to change your mind
Now you want to know us
At least so you say
Now its too late

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This article has 1 comment.

on Nov. 24 2010 at 8:15 pm
Mickie... SILVER, Hamilton, Other
8 articles 0 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Your Shin: A device for finding furniture in the dark.&quot; &quot;<br /> If you tell a man the universe has two billion stars, he&#039;ll believe you, but tell him that that bench has wet paint and he&#039;ll have to touch it to make sure.&quot;

Thanks for writing this... It is inspiring, and paints a good picture of what alot of people have gone through, yet is still personal