I Believe | Teen Ink

I Believe

February 17, 2010
By nooxygen PLATINUM, Medford, New York
nooxygen PLATINUM, Medford, New York
49 articles 0 photos 35 comments

Favorite Quote:
the mirror only tells half the story, beauty is found on the inside...
love is blind
only the shadow knows
words said in the heat of anger are never from the heart

I believe there is a god,
Who listens to my prayers,
Even though I never see him,
I know he is always there,
I believe there is a god,
Who answers when I call,
Even though now and then,
I seem to always fall.
But I believe there is a god,
Who holds me
when I feel like giving up.
He fills me with his love and mercy
Until it’s an overflowing cup,
I believe there is a god,
Who loves me day by day,
Even though my world would seem so
very dim and grey,
So when you feel
so down and blue
and in another zone,
You should know that he will always say
“My child you are never alone”

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