Golden Confidence | Teen Ink

Golden Confidence

January 31, 2010
By kat95 PLATINUM, Bedford Hills, New York
kat95 PLATINUM, Bedford Hills, New York
21 articles 1 photo 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
Smile even through your tears

The sound?
Yes, the sound.

Bright, sharp sunrise
Bold to burst at noon
Never lose light
Never lose sight

Burning, fresh silence
A flash of dry ice
Comfort at the opposite high
Never losing sight
A sunrise sound
Golden confidence

The author's comments:
This poem was inspired by a poet who instead of focusing on the meaning of the poem, focused on the feelings the sound of the poem brought to mind.
My poem however does have meaning, even though it is disguised.
For instance, a flash of dry ice could be considered a smile of white teeth.
See if you can decipher this poem. Enjoy!

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