His Arrival | Teen Ink

His Arrival

November 3, 2009
By Envoy_of_the_Spirit SILVER, Ponce De Leon, Florida
Envoy_of_the_Spirit SILVER, Ponce De Leon, Florida
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

One day you will come.
And on that day you will hold still the Earth
And divide the darkness and the light.
And you will break free the moon from its eternal chains
And release it from the Earth forever.
And you will halt the intricate dance of the cosmos
So that the sun and the planets will harmoniously align.

One day you will come.
And on that day you will clap and the very ground will tremble in your wake,
Shaking the very foundations of the Earth.
And the waves of the oceans will become so wild
That they will rise over even the tallest mountains,
Which will be so overwhelmed by your presence
That they will erupt continuously in ecstasy.

One day you will come.
And on that day you will exhale and there will be a beautiful symphony of winds,
And the trees of the great forests will dance with joy.
And the wolf will lay down with the deer
On the hill in the meadow, where they will be at peace with one another.
And the birds will gather by the hundreds to sing
And shower precious flower petals down from the heavens.

One day you will come.
And on that day you will speak and the ancient magick of creation will come alive again
And flow from the springs of the Earth and flood the world.
And many spirits will be born of this magic
And they will play and frolic in joy and innocence.
And the magnificent gods from the time before time
Will wake from their slumber and once again walk the earth.

One day you will come.
And on that day you will stand and whole nations will bow before you,
And every man and woman and child will know of you.
And all of Humankind will stand together regardless of their breed,
All in awe of your unrivaled supremacy.
And a cacophonous fanfare of ten thousand silver horns
And a chorus of crystal voices will greet you with the greatest song of all time.

One day you will come.
And on that day you will undo the evil of the world.
And you will give to us the wondrous gifts of the heavens.
And you will make love to the Earth and impregnate her with your seed,
And the world will be reborn, a world of such glory and perfection
That stars throughout the cosmos will swell and burst with joy.

One day you will come.
And on that day you will spill your blood on the earth,
And out of your sacrifice will come new life.
And there will be celebration.
And there will be great joy and happiness.
And there will be not one tear shed for you.
And there will be no salvation for you,
Righteous Father of Life,
Glorious King of All Humankind,
Awesome Master of the Heavens.

One day you will come.
And on that day you will die helplessly in the pool of your own blood.

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