On the Way to Mending | Teen Ink

On the Way to Mending

November 1, 2009
By AquariusSunandMoon SILVER, Sublette, Illinois
AquariusSunandMoon SILVER, Sublette, Illinois
8 articles 17 photos 69 comments

I can't control it
this flood of emotions
It carries me along
I spin in the currents

of love
of life

I am awash in memories
the good and the bad
Hope is the life vest
I forgot to put on today

Those who would help me
are driven away
by my anger
It isolates me
driving me further out to sea

At last I am able
to call for help
and in the black waters

of despair
of hate

The sun rises
black becomes purple
Purple turns to love
love to sandy beaches

Where, with arms outstretched
my family waits
welcoming me home

The author's comments:
The first line simply popped into my head and so I just started to write, wondering where the words would lead me. I personally find that when I am mad I DO in fact drive the people who would help me away. It's when you can finally call for help - and understand that asking for help doesn't make you weak - that you realize that there was always someone there for you. :)

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This article has 3 comments.

on Nov. 17 2009 at 12:09 pm
AquariusSunandMoon SILVER, Sublette, Illinois
8 articles 17 photos 69 comments

I looked at your work and think your poems are awesome! I like how you put it in the one comment, how you write your feelings until there is nothing left to explain. :) Writing is amazing like that ;)

on Nov. 16 2009 at 11:27 pm
qwertyqwerty123 PLATINUM, Concord, California
28 articles 0 photos 17 comments

Favorite Quote:
"prey on the old and your a coward
prey on the young and your pathetic
prey on the weak and your even weaker
prey on my friends and your history"
- fearless: payback (book 6) by francine pascal

wow. this is really good. you are an incredible writer

on Nov. 16 2009 at 11:22 pm
qwertyqwerty123 PLATINUM, Concord, California
28 articles 0 photos 17 comments

Favorite Quote:
"prey on the old and your a coward
prey on the young and your pathetic
prey on the weak and your even weaker
prey on my friends and your history"
- fearless: payback (book 6) by francine pascal

wow. this is really good. your an incredible writer.