Cry of Music | Teen Ink

Cry of Music

October 4, 2009
By bookfreak13 SILVER, Owensboro, Kentucky
bookfreak13 SILVER, Owensboro, Kentucky
9 articles 0 photos 1 comment

The music cascades into every gliding
arpeggio, every octave of mood,
any curling grace note or
slumberous ritardando.
It permeates in to the huming
keys, in to the strings and vivacious bow,
in to the lithesome, supple fingers
to which the stars,
even thoughts
are tangible.
It is an effervescent, mirthful
stream bubbling over
impoverished stones and squalid
astray items.
The melody lingers
as it seems to
be cessating, but it resonates
like a tuning fork
or the final words of
a precious friend.
The cry of music
cannot be quelled.

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This article has 3 comments.

on Oct. 22 2009 at 5:17 pm
LoveLikeWoe DIAMOND, LeSueur, MN, Minnesota
54 articles 2 photos 748 comments

Favorite Quote:
Whoever laughs first has the sickest mind.

this is AH-MA-ZING! :)))))

on Oct. 15 2009 at 2:54 pm
SilverAngel777 BRONZE, Three Rivers, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Take life as it comes. Run when you have to, fight when you must, rest when you can.&quot;<br /> -Elyas Machera, The Wheel of Time, By Robert Jordan

that's amazing, i feel i can relate with the emotion of this poem

on Oct. 12 2009 at 4:02 pm
dancer4jesus BRONZE, San Marcos, California
2 articles 0 photos 14 comments

Favorite Quote:
The heart writes the words of the music that the soul dances to.

wow! that had great description and usage of musical terms! I play the piano, so I could relate:) Good job!