But They’re Your Family | Teen Ink

But They’re Your Family

July 21, 2024
By Anonymous

she was taught that family is blood

but how can family possibly be blood

when at the age of two her father’s father 

beat him 

until his blood was black and blue 

and his parents left him at the age of five 

with nothing to survive other than a familial 


she was told that one should respect their elders

but how do you respect people 

who don’t respect you

what do you do when instead of 

mourning you at your grave 

they’re leaving you

monkey flowers and

celebrating what they inherited from you

what do you do when they’re told you have

an hour left to live 

and instead of running and pacing

and sobbing and chasing

shadowy silhouettes of somebody

who once was you

all they’re doing is waiting

until your lifeline runs mute

leaving you alone as the lights

fade to black in a far from crowded room 

that holds

some disoriented version of you

without any comfort, or solace,

or even the presence of run-through tissues

or flowers that

withered as your body

ascended to

she heard that you should remember

those who came before you

but couldn't grasp why

she must remember

far from loyal broods

who continuously wedded women

they’d misuse and taunt them 

to the point of abuse

she remembers them but for what use?

so she can continuously picture her

grandmother’s swollen eyes after her

father brutally beat her face against

the toilet seat as she gasped for

a second of air

amid the ill-use?

so she can continuously be reminded of

the stream of tears pouring from her

grandmother’s eyes as

she shared the news of an argument

that her parents never outgrew?

so she can continuously picture

a young woman stripped of her youth

by a man her age, times two?

she was taught that family is 

broken and homes are too

that age is just a number

and she should tolerate abuse

she was taught that no matter 

how toxic your family is,

they’re family, and

you should always stay

i just hope she has the guts it takes 

to eternally walk away

The author's comments:

This is about coming from a broken family. I hope those who read this piece feel comfort in knowing that they're not alone and a cookie-cut family truly doesn't exist. I also hope that people with good families feel grateful after reading this poem.

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