The Blue Flower | Teen Ink

The Blue Flower

July 21, 2024
By Anonymous

sometimes i wonder if you even feel 

the way that I do

if when we lock eyes across 

a crowded room your eyes dilate 

in a way that you can’t undo and 

your heart beats 

as if it’s been made anew

if when you fall asleep at night

all you can picture is our 

fingers entwined 

not by some cloth or fabric 

or some string or glue

but because of an inexplicable clause 

etched in a Roman tragic that said

“we wanted them to”

if when the sky fades to darkness 

and an infinite constellation

of flickering lights appears in the 

navy blue

you’re secretly wishing that

we were up on your roof 

gazing not at the stars 

but at each other's eyes

hoping that just like the 

stars in the night sky

the time 

we spend together 

won’t become 

just another set of

distant memories 

that appeared to last a lifetime

sometimes i wish

that you loved me the way

that i love you

so i wasn’t always 

the one doing all the



if you want me 

the way that i

want you

The author's comments:

This is a piece that I hope resonates with a lot of young people. It's about the mixed emotions one feels following their first heartbreak and the feelings of love and desire that kind of linger even after "closure" from that first heartbreak comes. It's also a bit about this unrequited kind of love. This love that always felt one-sided or like one person was always putting more effort than the other in the relationship, for a lack of better words.

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